Marijuanna is a product of the plant cannabis sativa, and it consists of dried mature flowers and leaves of pistillate plants. Cannabis can be used for hemp, medicinal purposes and as a phychoactive drug.

The resinous form, which is known as hashish, consist of the compressed trichomes collected from the cannabis plant. Industrial hemp products are made from selected cannabis plants to produce an abudance of fibre and minimal levels of THC. (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol).



Grass, pot, hash, weed, reefer, dope, herb, stick, buckets, cones, skunk, hydro, yarndi, smoke, hooch.




The effect of cannabis can vary, depending on the persons weight, health, how the trug is taken and also how much the person may have used.


Some immediate effects include;


  • relaxation and loss of inhibition;
  • increased appetite;
  • affected perception of colour, sound and other sensations;
  • impaired co-ordination; and
  • affected thinking and memory.


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