There is no single meaning for the word drug, due to there is many different types, and many different reasons for usng them. Drugs can be found anywhere, and it is said that a lot of teenagers take them. The three main reasons for people taking drugs are;

1. Depressants.

2. Stimulants.

3. Hallucinogens.


Prescriptions are legal drugs, provided to you by your doctor, but they can also be illegal when they are stolen.


Depressants ; Examples.

  • Heroin
  • Cannabis - (three main forms are marijuana, hashish and hash oil); and
  • GHB - Gamma hydroxy butyrate.

These drugs normally slow down the nervous system.

Stimulants ; Examples.

  • Amphetamines (Speed)
  • Cocaine, and 
  • Methylamphetamines (Ice).

These drugs make the central nervous system faster

Hallucinogens ; Examples.

  • Magic mushrooms.
  • MDMA, and
  • Phencyclidine.
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